Finlay Gorman

Manchester City continue to build for the future by adding premier young talent
Manchester City are continuing to build for the future by signing elite young talent to add to their stocks. Recently, the world...
Could Manchester City bring in a Girona star next summer?
Could Manchester City bring in a star from La Liga surprise packet Girona next summer ? After impressing for Girona winger Savio...
Manchester City’s chase of two young prodigies highlights how they stay a step ahead
Manchester City’s chase of two young prodigies highlights how they stay a step ahead of their rivals. The policy of chasing elite...
Finlay Gorman completes medical ahead of January move to Manchester City
Leeds United academy starlet Finlay Gorman has completed his medical with Manchester City. The young midfielder is expected to move to the...
Manchester City reportedly agree on a deal with Leeds United for starlet
Manchester City have agreed a fee with Leeds United for wonderkid Finlay Gorman according to a report from the Athletic. The Leeds...