Manchester City’s stance has never wavered since the Premier League’s charges were announced

As the hearing over the 115 alleged breaches of the Premier League financial rules by Manchester City has gotten underway this week one constant has remained throughout the saga. Manchester City’s stance on the matter has never wavered. The club have maintained their innocence throughout the entire episode. That belief has become even more apparent this week.

When the charges were announced in February 2023 Manchester City’s stance on the matter was immediately apparent. In a statement released on, the world champions welcomed the opportunity for the case to be heard by an independent panel. The club believes they have irrefutable evidence that will clear the club’s name. Manchester City also said they are looking forward to the matter being put to rest once and for all. This week has seen stories emerge that show Manchester City’s stance has never wavered as the independent hearing dominates the headlines.

Firstly, former Manchester City defender Aymeric Laporte spoke about the matter earlier this week. In an interview with Aadam Patel for the Daily Mail Laporte explained what the Manchester City hierarchy told the players when the charges were announced. Laporte explained: “When I was there and the news broke, the sporting director (Txiki Begiristain) and the CEO (Ferran Soriano) came and told all the players and staff that we can all be very calm because not one rule has been broken by Man City. They told us everything was fine so that’s why we all think City will be fine. I don’t think there will be any issues.

Manchester City have remained confident of clearing their name throughout the saga.

A report from Phillip Buckingham for the Athletic also shows just how confident Manchester City are in clearing the club’s name. Buckingham’s detailed article took a look at the whole situation surrounding the case against Manchester City. What stands out in Buckingham’s piece is a quote from an unnamed former Premier League club executive. The quote that stands out states: “I have never seen a bunch of people more confident that they have nothing to answer for than Manchester City.

Manchester City’s stance has never wavered since the 115 charges were announced. They believe that, ultimately, the club’s name will be cleared. Time will tell if that stance is correct. But as speculation over possible sanctions and the entire case persist, Manchester City has never once wavered. That could potentially be telling as the independent hearing dominates the headlines over the coming months.

Manchester City’s Premier League charges and the subsequent hearing is the biggest story in football. That is unlikely to change before a verdict is reached. But in the face of all the speculation and jabs aimed at the club City’s stance has never wavered. That fact appears to have been lost at times during the coverage of the entire episode.