Manchester City remain confident in clearing the club’s name

As the celebrations from Sunday’s Premier League title win begin to subside, Manchester City will shift their attention to Saturday’s FA Cup final against Manchester United. Saturday’s final at Wembley will be their final game of the season. There is the potential there for the champions to claim more silverware to cap off a remarkable 23/24 campaign.

Manchester City’s fourth consecutive Premier League title win has dominated the headlines since Sunday. Unfortunately, the ongoing Premier League case against the club has also become part of the narrative. Bein Sports presenter Richard Keys wrote on his personal blog that City’s success comes with an asterisk. Other platforms have shared similar sentiments. But a new report indicates that Manchester City is confident of clearing it’s name. It also explains that the club hierarchy has given Pep Guardiola assurances that the club will clear its name.

Paul Hirst has reported for the Times that Manchester City’s hierarchy have given their manager assurances that the club will clear their name. Furthermore, Hirst reports that the hearing on City’s ongoing Premier League case it set to take place later this year. Furthermore, Hirst also reports that Khaldoon Al-Mubarak, Txiki Begiristain, and Ferran Soriano have assured Pep Guardiola that the club will clear their name.

Manchester City have remained steadfast in their belief that they will clear their name.

Manchester City’s position on the ongoing Premier League case has been consistent from the day the charges were announced. They released a statement on the day the 115 charges were announced that they were looking forward to putting the matter to rest once and for all. The club believes it has a body of irrefutable evidence to prove their innocence. Their position hasn’t wavered as media speculation has persisted throughout the saga.

If Manchester City can clear their name when the case is heard, it will be a massive day for all associated with the club. The constant narrative that follows the club will finally be put to bed. It will take time to get to that point. If that situation does arise, it should finally give Pep Guardiola and his team the opportunity to have their success lauded rather than speculated on.

The ongoing story has rumbled away in the background for the past 18 months. But Manchester City’s position has never wavered. They remain confident of clearing their name. The hope for Manchester City fans and everyone associated with the club is that the day is getting closer that they can finally clear the club’s name.

Tags 115 charges FA Cup FA Cup final FA Cup holders Ferran Soriano Khaldoon Al-Mubarak Manchester City Manchester United Paul Hirst Pep Guardiola Premier League charges the Times Txiki Begiristain


  1. 18 months spent clearing any paper trail to mask the corruption . Being so rich will enable them to have top lawyers to deflect their guilt . Why has it taken so long ?? They should have gone in and seized computers and servers to stop cleansing .

    1. A simple reason for a simple man, they have not broken any laws of the UK and therefore the police or tax man will not and cannot start taking away computers, these are FA rules which are totally unworkable and stop smaller clubs becoming bigger, but Man City have broken the strangle hold held by the cartel and toy really don`t like it.

  2. Sad that previous posters are ignorant of the history behind FFP and the fact the RED cartel have corrupted football for decades constantly changing rules to protect their slice of the financial pie pulling trap doors up to stop anyone else joining them. originally through the G14 and then through the EPL What have City done wrong – spent their own money – of which numerous EPL clubs have benefited Arsenal £80M Liverpool £50M Everton £80M Villa £100m WITHOUT GOING INTO DEBT FFP was to save clubs from going into debt according to the RED CARTEL but one of them is almost a billion in debt.

  3. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Man City have already been tried and found guilty by people that have zero knowledge of anything other than what they read in the media. Hope you guys don’t ever find yourselves in court and get the same treatment. Just desperate for it to be true to make yourselves feel better that your own clubs aren’t as well structured and run as City are.

    Bitter much?

  4. You got to love that these people from other fan bases dont care about City yet they are on a site made by a Man City content creator. Then all they have left is 115??? bring it we have heard it all. can any of you rivals tell me what are the 115 charges no cause you see other people write it and jump on the bandwagon. look on utube for LNobbins and he explains what the charges are and why most city fans are not worried. Also he is a Lawyer.

    (Bernie Wood)Its a civil matter and not a criminal matter… band wagon
    Why has it taken so long… rule breaches are different from everton and forrest also 115 charges and a 4 year investigation. City are allowed time to address every single charge ….there is no integrity in football jeez uefa and fifa bungs proved that. Also football is the only business where the business owners can only inject a certain amount of THEIR own money into THEIR business.
    it is what it is teams can hack into other teams scouting systems, teams can be half billion pounds in debt, teams can tell premier league we did this wrong and nothing is heard of it again
    End note the thing about city fans of a certain generation we know the bad times nearly going bust but swp helped us we know how bad we were and personally i didnt care about other teams cause I only concentrated on MY club thats why i am on a city site.

  5. The Nation as a whole as a strange fascination with trying to pick holes in anyone that is successful, whether it be a sportsman/team a business person an actor or anyone else in a high profile position. This stifles us as a nation and has a knock on effect on everything the nation does. It’s about time we started praising our successes instead of trying to persecute them. Maybe we would just be a little better at everything if we took this attitude.

  6. The trouble is City’s name has been dragged through the mud and the media constantly bombard the readers with the punishment that City will get, not can get and hardly in any of these publications do they suggest that City are possibly innocent or as one of the comments says not guilty until proven so. These people like the former CEO of Everton who spouts ‘what about City’ obviously does not know the difference between a Guilty and Not Guilty plea and the Club has a right to defend itself. No matter even when Manchester City are exonerated the dame to the clubs name is branded for ever, even now the media still refer to the CAS and UEFA charges. It simply feels like it has been a trial by media.

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