Is a domino close to falling early in Manchester City’s summer transfer plans?

The focus of Manchester City is squarely on their Champions League quarter-final first leg clash with Real Madrid tonight. With the eyes of the football world focused on the Bernabeu, the European champions appear to be getting a head start on their summer transfer plans. It promises to be busy summer for the world champions. With that in mind, is the first domino close to falling that would kick off Manchester City’s summer window?

Santi Auona has reported for that the champions have agreed on personal terms with West Ham star Lucas Paqueta. Auona adds that while Manchester City have agreed on personal terms with the Brazilian international, they are yet to agree on a deal with West Ham to sign the midfielder. Furthermore, included in Auona’s report that the agents of Paqueta expect the two clubs to negotiate a transfer in the coming months.

The report from Santi Auona indicates that one of the first domino of Manchester City’s summer plans may be on the verge of falling. If personal terms are agreed upon, the first step of a potential move to Manchester City for Paqueta appears to have been completed.

READ MORE: West Ham’s Brazilian star looks like the perfect addition for Manchester City.

Where Lucas Paqueta would potentially fit into Pep Guardiola’s will become an interesting discussion point. His versatility means he could play in a number of roles for the world champions. It is unlikely that the Brazilian would move to Manchester City to become a squad player. Such is his standing in the game he would see himself as an immediate contributor to Pep Guardiola’s squad.

It may mean that City could lose a key player over the summer. Who that could potentially be remains the subject of much conjecture. Bernardo Silva could possibly be the player that departs City, meaning a spot in Guardiola’s squad is clear for Paqueta’s potential arrival.

In an interview with Catalunya Radio, which was relayed by Mundo Deportivo Barcelona star Joao Felix believes he has convinced City’s Portuguese midfielder to move to the Spanish giants this summer. Felix joked that he will be entitled to a commission if Bernardo does move to Barcelona. He explained: “If Bernardo Silva comes, I’m going to ask for a commission.” Felix added that he believes that he has convinced Bernardo will make a summer move to Barcelona. He added when asked if had convinced Bernardo to move to Barca: “I think so, I think so. Well, but now I don’t think it depends on him.”

The first domino in Manchester City’s summer transfer plans may be set to fall. It could potentially involve Bernardo Silva leaving the champions to cater for Paqueta’s reported arrival. The dominoes appear to be moving ahead of a potentially busy summer for Manchester City.

Tags Bernardo Silva Brazilian international Joao Felix Lucas Paqueta Manchester City Mundo Deportivo Pep Guardiola Real Madrid Santi Auona West Ham United