Manchester City’s season ticket price increase is a savage blow to the people that love the club the most

Manchester City’s decision to raise season ticket prices for next season is a savage blow to the people who love the club the most. The world champions have raised the price of season tickets for next season, and the decision does feel that it has missed the mark given the current financial climate.

The fans who are fortunate to be able to attend every game at the Etihad Stadium are a vital part of the club. They are the heart and soul of the Manchester City machine. City’s home support helps create a special atmosphere that inspires Pep Guardiola’s side. There is no doubt that the atmosphere the Etihad crowd created against Real Madrid in last season’s UEFA Champions League semi-final was a huge factor in City’s famous 4-nil win.

It is an understandable business move by Manchester City, but it is a savage blow for season ticket holders.

With the cost of living rising almost daily for Manchester City’s season ticket holders, it is yet another cost to factor into day to day life. Without fans, Manchester City and the game as a whole have nothing. The hope is that the increase in prices of a season ticket doesn’t become so high that the local fan is priced out of attending games. It would be a travesty if that were to happen. The game for the people shouldn’t be financially out of reach of the people it means the most to.

From a business point of view, it is an understandable decision by Manchester City to raise season ticket prices. But despite that being the case, it is a savage blow for the people who love the club the most.

Tags Etihad Stadium Manchester City Manchester City fans Manchester City season ticket holders Pep Guardiola Real Madrid UEFA Champions League