Seven years of Pep Guardiola

Manchester City have enjoyed seven years of Pep Guardiola. The Guardiola era officially began on this day in 2016.

The honorary Manc has brought immense success to the club despite doubt and critics ahead of his Premier League debut.

City fans were excited when City bosses bagged his signature for the Manchester club. However, none could have foreseen the level of success he would bring. Nor the connection he would have with the fans and the love he would have for little City.

A Manager that pours his heart and soul into every season. Just as the fans do in the stands. As the players have come to do on the pitch.

His time in Manchester has established him as one of the greats of the worlds most competitive football league.

In his seven years, he has developed players into record-breakers and world class sensations. He has won five Premier League titles; two FA Cups; four Carabao Cups; two Community Shields; and finally led the club to their first Champions League trophy.

In addition to bringing the club success, he has also earned himself 22 individual awards since joining in 2016.

While he is known to be a demanding coach, a perfectionist no less. Players both past and present have nothing put respect for one of the greatest coaches of all time.

After the Premier League made accusations earlier this year, the Blues looked down and out for the season. Some fans were feeling uncertain and concerned both for the season, but more importantly, for the club they love.

Guardiola put his leadership skills to a test he’d never had to before. He rallied everyone. The players; the staff; the wider club; and the fans.

Pep Guardiola spoke to every single individual affiliated with the club when he said during his press duties:

“I am not moving from this seat, I can assure you. I want to stay more than ever.” 

Blues across the world agreed at that point, they would go into battle for this leader who stuck his neck on the line. As did the players who turned a season of controversy into a historic treble winning season.

Pep was able to prove himself a leader of this Manchester club, this Manchester family. Some fans in that moment, who felt the world was against them, felt that he was leading in a way that could rival some of history’s greats.

He illustrated that he “gets” the fans. He understands the history, their experiences of time gone by. The Catalan coach sees them and appreciates them.

It is for this reason that many City fans adore their leader. The success is an incredibly enjoyable bonus. But the resonance with the fans is why he will undoubtedly be missed when he’s gone, and be rewarded with legendary status.